Jesus in Drag

Hugh Findlay

Out of curiosity,
I went to the drag show where
Jesus was performing in full regalia.
He sang and danced, and if I do say so myself,
did a wicked good job of impersonating
Dolly Parton.
He was, or rather, she was
flamboyant and enticing,
yet classy and tasteful.
And when she sang 9 to 5,
well, for one transformational moment,
I felt like I was watching Dolly in the flesh.
At the end of the show,
all the queens came out for a final parade,
with Jesus leading the cast.
In unison, they sang YMCA,
which got a big rise out of the audience,
including me.
In fact, I was feeling so good
that I thought I could try a show
myself someday.
But then I remembered,
I am forever befuddled by the
mysteries of women’s undergarments.
Guess I’ll just save myself
for Elvis instead.


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